ElCap Reports from May 2010

ElCap Report 5/21/10

 ElCap Report 5/21/10

By Tom Evans

Yo… Well the weather has turned into February and the Rats are leaving the ship. Today was cold and windy at the Bridge, after a calm early morning. The extended forecast calls for cold and SNOW! That sucks big time!

Remember all the YOSAR training yesterday?  Well today it was put to use.  Bad fall on the Salathe ... big rescue... read about it below.

Today’s ElCap Report, written just for you… unique in all the world.

ElCap Report 5/20/10

ElCap Report 5/20/10

By Tom Evans

Yo… Killer day here in the Ditch. Unfortunately for me, fortunately for all climbers in the Valley, YOSAR held a high angle helicopter rescue practice, in the ECM, for most of the day and the noise was deafening. However it was reassuring to know that the team was hitting the mark all day long and when the shit comes down they will be ready, as they always are. Beautiful day here with some more to come in the next few. Not so sure 5 days out or more … but you have to dance while the band is playing and it is sure playing these days.

ElCap Report 5/19/10

ElCap Report 5/19/10

By Tom Evans

Yo… Ok listen up Pukes… big day here in the Valley. The weather was primo and the action on the Captain was just as good. So I am going to get right to it with out the usual stalling tactics.

Today’s ElCap Report… written just for you…unique in all the world!

ElCap Report 5/18/10

ElCap Report 5/18/10

By Tom Evans

Yo… The weather didn’t exactly clear off today after a night of intermittent showers. Fortunately, the storm turned out to be a “Sissy Storm”. It never dumped and the rain was mostly an inconvenience. New teams were on the rock and the “old” ones were climbing up and some off. The long term forecast doesn’t look real solid like one would expect for mid May. Sunday may bring some showers and cooler weather. Until then the climbing conditions should be good. There was not a lot of action today and the Touron population was really low here at the Bridge.

So… buckle in, tighten your laces, and grab your aid rack, because you are coming with me onto some of the best climbs on the Captain.

ElCap Report 5/17/10

 ElCap Report 5/17/10

By Tom Evans

Yo… Well, the rains came this morning early, but have not been much more than intermittent showers thus far. The Cap is socked in and everyone is ledged up, waiting it out. Most of my posse blew out of here this morning opting to do some cranking at Jail House Rock, in Sonora, which is only a couple hours away. Prophetic name that, as some of my posse have climbed high upon the NPS’s “Pyramid of the Undesirables”, commonly referred to as people to be avoided at all cost. A senior member of the posse, a certified “ladies man”, showed up this year in a pimped out van and to save gas has converted it to run on used condoms and discarded panties!!!  One of the others has climbed to the number two spot, high on the pyramid, a spot I once occupied before I became a legitimate asset here. I had it tough though as Chongo had the top spot for years and was in a class by himself.

ElCap Report 5/16/10


ElCap Report 5/16/10

By Tom Evans

Yo.. A change in the weather blew in today with high clouds and some wind from the west. Not all the parties on the Cap are going to get off in time to miss the storm, expected to last two days. Lots of Tourons at the Bridge today, as the climbers were driven into the meadows for some quiet time.

The weather is expected to improve later in the week with 0% chance of precipitation by Wednesday. So you have a couple of down days to plan for your great ascent of the Captain.

As it is kind of late and my energy level is plummeting I will get to the business……

Today’s ElCap Report… written just for you… unique in all the world.

ElCap Report 5/15/10


 ElCap Report 5/15/10

By Tom Evans

Yo… Sweet day here in the Valley of our dreams. The weekend has brought the crowds out in force to see the blooming Dogwoods and the busting water falls. Cars were parked all over the place and the traffic was jammed until late in the evening. However, none of that had an impact on the Bridge and the action on the Captain. Horsetail falls, yesterdays scenic shot of the day, continues to enchant as it keeps the whole upper East side past Zodiac out of commission. There was plenty of climbing action in response to the excellent climbing conditions.

 So here it comes straight to you.

Today’s ElCap Report… written just for you…. unique in all the world.

ElCap Report 5/14/10

 ElCap Report 5/14/10

By Tom Evans

Yo.. Things heated up on the Cap and at the Bridge today. The weather was partly cloudy most of the day and the teams were surging on the Captain.

Lots of climbers drifted through along with a fair number of Tourons by late in the day. You know never to believe all the Church or Government tells you, but you can trust in me, as I have been sent by the High Command!

So pay attention Pukes… clear your agenda, and saddle up, because you are riding with Old Tom, on a journey to the very soul of the Big Stone. You’re going to send with the senders and bail with the bailers. Only I can sort out the hosers from the posers, dish the dirt and bask in the glory.

ElCap Report 5/13/10


ElCap Report 5/13/10

By Tom Evans

Yo… Well, well Cubicle Pukes and Internet Geeks of all kinds… your day of salvation has finally arrived because ElCap Pics is finally back in command at the Bridge!! Yes, I arrived yesterday and rested up last night for the new climbing season, beginning today. The weather here is not the norm for this time of year… sort of weird like last Spring was. More April than May it seems. The crew is assembled and the Captain is spitting them off left and right.

Note however, that all routes from, but not including Mescalito, east to but not including, Aurora are closed until at least August because of Falcon nesting in the North American Wall area. So don’t plan on those routes. You can climb the first 5 pitches of any closed route but please don’t because you will just be adding to the worsening condition of some for nothing but practice. There are still a zillion routes you can do.

So here it comes to you, the first of the Spring seasons ElCap Reports… written just for you…. Unique in all the world.   


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