ElCap Report Farewell Tour 10/4/23Submitted by superadmin on Thu, 10/05/2023 - 14:14 |
ElCap Report Farewell Tour 10/4/23
By Tom Evans
Yo… Well sports fans ..The Fall season has suddenly erupted! Too much to write about in one report so I am going to parse it out over the next few reports. Great weather has returned to the spectacular Yosemite Valley and climbers are out in force on many routes. Pick a climb Cubicle Pukes and show old Tom what you’ve got for one last time to be seen on the, ElCap Report.. you will never get another chance! Dust off the old haul bag get the gear out of the garage and come on out for the Farewell Tour.
Today’s ElCap Report.. Written just for you… Unique in all the World!
1) Zodiac: Some teams were seen rummaging around the base today but higher up Cam Clements and two other locals have been touring the route in a leisurely manner. Here one of the crew got the unenviable task of free hanging jugging on the hyper-classic Nipple Pitch.
2) Higher on Zodiac, Nick Stevens is seen on the last part of that route as his route, the Shortest Straw, finishes there. Nick has made a smooth climb of it and went off this afternoon.
3) Here Nick is climbing the Sawblade Flake in the White Circle on the Straw. Sweet stuff that! Way classic!
4) Here is Nick high on the route…. Sometimes you just gotta swing the hammer to solve a problem!
5) Over on Mescalito, Yolan Caballero and Hailey Kellackey took two days off while the Ecuadorian team of 8 past them in support of a paraplegic climbing friend who has crushed it too. Yolan and Haley just hung out as the boys from down south way went by like a freight train.
6) After the Ecuadorian crew departed Yolan got out and lead the pitch up to the Molar Traverse as seen here.
7) Haley got the traverse and pendulum and sent it after a few adjustments.
8) Here is the yet unidentified Ecuadorian climber who jugged smartly up the route doing big chunks of the work at a go. Good work there!
9) SSPO: Ollie Tippett just smoked up the route with skill and power. His belays were on point and Hudon and Richards wondered “who was that guy” as he kept pace with them all the way up. Ollie impressed the locals, that’s for sure!
10) I recently found out this guy is Cadence Brown and is at the stance above Dolt Tower on the Nose, he exuded and air of confidence that I found compelling. He looks a bit like my grandson Kolten Thorson.
11) It was “Moon Day” up on the Nose on the 3rd and there was no room at ECT and Texas Flake. The Nose creeks and moans under the weight of the throngs who inhabit it.
12) Moon Day… what can I say? I always am psyched to see just how that classic shot will unfold… it is never shot at the same spot as the orbital mechanics of the moon are never quite the same each year. Got it!!
13) A perfectly dressed NIAD casually occupies Eagle ledge as a Ninja darts in finishing the King Swing.
14) I saw this guy,, Sebastian, low on the Hollow Flake a couple of days ago… liked his style.
15) Adam and Kenny came out to the tree after a Dolt Run asking about shots. They possessed great enthusiasm and we had a nice chat. I took this with the big gun as they walked away.
In other news: Well, at the moment, we have lots more teams on the rock. Hudon and Richards are down from the Sea of Dreams after a great climb the details of which they shared with us at the tree. Climb of the season thus far. Regan started on Bad Seed today. Wes Fisher and Nate Vince took off on the Trip. Joe Forrester and Jeremy Aslaksen are moving along on Lost in America. Ryan Larocque is moving nicely along on the Straw having made it out of the White Circle this afternoon and has a couple more days on the route. As mentioned above the Ecuadorians crushed Mescalito and the leaders made the top early this afternoon. Pete and Luke are moving along on difficult climbing out west on Hole World… check FB for details. Lots of parties on the Salathe/Freerider. Paul and Sunny are down from Magic Mushroom. The Shield has a team of 3 vying for its charms…. So… BOOM… The season is on in a big way!
So that’s the way it is, on this Wednesday, the 4th day of October, 2023.
Capt. Tom..here for one last season of the ElCap Report.. I will be here until the end!
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