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ElCap Report 9/15/12

ElCap Report 9/15/12

By Tom Evans

Yo… Today I start what will be a lot of Reports for the Fall season. The long, hot days of summer are just about over. The Cap has seen some action this past week and we soon expect it to be burgeoning with climbers. BUT take heed, potential ElCap climbers. It is still pretty warm up there and only the most physically able to climb in the heat should be on the wall now. Thus, as you can imagine, the wall is pretty empty at the moment. In this report I will write about the climbers presently on the wall and some of those who have recently made noteworthy ascents… So saddle up, Cubicle Pukes, and get on board for the ride of a lifetime these next few weeks… I am here and you can be too, if only in cyberspace!

ElCap Report 6/23/12

ElCap Report 6/23/12

By Tom Evans

Yo… Wow!…Fall has really fallen here! Windy, very chilly here at the Bridge today … quite unusual for this time of year. The season is closing out now and this will be the last “scheduled” Report. I will keep shooting as long as I am here, so if you are interested in shots, then be sure to contact me. I may write or post something, if anything interesting or extraordinary happens… so stay tuned. It has been a pretty interesting season with a couple of speed records on the Nose and some other great climbing. As best I can judge, Alex Honnold had the best season of any climber in the history of Yosemite climbing. Our congratulations go out to him!

ElCap Report 6/22/12

ElCap Report 6/22/12

By Tom Evans

Yo… Perfect temperatures today as it was Fall in Summer for a change. The wind was pretty stout in the afternoon, however. The Captain is kicking butts these days. In the last several days, out of 6 teams that went on the Cap, only 1 remains! The Korean Extreme Riders Trip Team is the only one left on the wall! Good job ElCap!! Some replacements have arrived and, hopefully, will fare better than previous teams crushed by the Captain.

ElCap Report 6/21/12

ElCap Report 6/21/12

By Tom Evans

Yo… warm today but without the smoke of yesterday.  The light was not the best today, nor was the action on the Cap, so this will be a brief report.

ElCap Report 6/20/12

ElCap Report 6/20/12

By Tom Evans

Yo… Well it started out well enough with clear skies and nice breezes… The boys in the puzzle palace decided that it was a perfect day… warm, strong breezes, low humidity, dried forest … Yep! Perfect day for a controlled burn! By 2pm the air was thick with smoke, born into the Valley by the seasonal west wind. Seems that the term “controlled burn” is often an oxymoron around the Western United States. Hopefully, the formulas and ground conditions will make this a good one. Much of Yosemite is in dire need of an aggressive burning program and I’m sure it wouldn’t be happening if it wasn’t a good time. A small inconvenience for a few days, most likely.

ElCap Report 6/19/12

ElCap Report 6/19/12

By Tom Evans

Yo.. Nicer today with cooler temperatures and breezes. The action is heating up on the Trades and some of the less done routes. I have a climber I need to get some assistance for before night so I will make this quick.

ElCap Report 6/18/12

ElCap Report 6/18/12

By Tom Evans

Yo… It’s summertime, summertime, sum sum summertime, summertime! Pretty warm .... the first day of Summer is just a few days away. However, the temperatures are due to moderate in the next few days, so several teams are blasting soon. Don’t be discouraged, you can do it, just take some extra water and a solar protection device… one is featured below!

ElCap Report 6/17/12

ElCap Report 6/17/12

By Tom Evans

Yo… getting really warm these days. The result is that some of the teams have put off blasting a day or so, hoping for some relief or at least some wind. Big day here in the Valley and I have had to do a lot of work to get this report ready to go. I will not post pics of the other teams in this report but will try to catch up on the other parties shots tomorrow. Bigs go big today! Read all about it below!

ElCap Report 6/16/12

ElCap Report 6/16/12

By Tom Evans

Yo.. Another day of warm and clear weather. Not a lot of breeze, so beware and take some extra water if you are planning on going on the hill. Pretty calm around here, especially for a weekend. Several climbers came by to wish me a happy 68th Bday, drink a few celebratory Cobras and eat junk food. Thanks for the attention… and thanks to the Princess of the Bridge for sending a nice care package to honor the event.

Tomorrow the Bigs take a shot at the record. I talked to Hans for a moment when he did a drive by, in the company of his beautiful children and the legendary Tom Frost. Hondo also stopped by for a brief chat. They say that 6:30am would be a good time to come to watch the event… billed by me as “The greatest spectacle in American Sports”. Come on out and support the effort. Parking might be tight so make plans accordingly. Think about it… when will you ever have the chance to see such an event again? Better than a basketball game, scarier than a horror flick, faster than a speeding bullet!

ElCap Report 6/15/12

ElCap Report 6/15/12

By Tom Evans

Yo… Cooler today with some high clouds making for pleasant climbing for most of the day. However around 4pm a thunderstorm drifted down from behind the Dome and now it is booming and raining. Seems like the weather people have been right on this season. When they say rain, it rains! At the moment the rain is pretty hard but should subside pretty soon. Hope the folks on the Nose are ready for this!

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