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ElCap Report 9/22/09

ElCap Report 9/22/09
By Tom Evans
Yo… Really hot today on the Big Stone and the attendance on the routes was subsequently down.  Parties with bags at the top of the lines on Salathe went up and quickly came back down.  The Bridge was real quiet.
Big doings tonight at the Face Lift, so this will be compressed to the max so I can get going.
Today’s ECR… for you of course … unique in all the world.

Zodiac:  I glanced over there in the morning and didn’t see anything.  I was later told by a Touron that some one was over there… I scoffed and looked anyway… he was right.  I picked up the team of two as they started the 5th pitch.

1)  Cleaning the 5th pitch on Zodiac.



























Later they did the Black Tower and were finishing as I left.
2)  The infamous Black Tower.





























Trip:  The fixing team from yesterday bailed and a new one replaced them in withering heat.  You couldn’t pay me to be in their place today.

Nose:  The two teams that did the Stovelegs yesterday were working past the KS and on to camp 4 and above.  The most colorful team was the Spanish team of Xavi and Marc.  Marc was decked out in a sweet yellow shirt and red pants… now that’s what I call style.
3)  Marc hit the KS on the first run!


























Above them the team with “frogman” climbed rapidly to C4 and were starting the Roof when I left.
4)  Frogman climbing above the Tan Band at the start of the traverse to C4.




























5)  Lower down 2 teams were clustered at the top of Sickle and eventually got separated in the Stovelegs.  There was a nice breeze across the face that must have climbing a bit more bearable.






























Shield:  I did see Chris climb to the start of the last pitch as I departed and she may be off by now… Wow Chris, you knocked our socks off!!

Albatross:  Kevin moved up smartly today getting to climb that sweet crack that heads to the upper wall as part of a couple of different routes. 

He was stylin with his blue hauling barrel.

6)  Kevin getting it done.


























Salathe:  I did see several parties on Freeblast in incredible heat.  Higher no one was moving.

In other news:  Brent and Alex came by after getting off the Nose last evening.  You recall they had the epic KS.  Alex said they considered going down after losing so much time there but were highly motivated to make the climb.  Alex did hurt his wrist on the swing, wrapped it with duct tape, and continued climbing.  Good on you Brits, Heroes of ElCap!
Ottawa Doug and Mike came by on the shuttle bus and hung out for part of the afternoon.  They had a great time on the Trip and enjoyed watching and talking to the LA speed crew as they blew by!!
7)  Doug and Mike at the bridge this afternoon.  Heroes of ElCap!




























So that’s the way it is for this the 22nd day of September 2009.
Bye Bye