ElCap Report 9/16/12Submitted by Tom Evans on Mon, 09/17/2012 - 00:39 |
ElCap Report 9/16/12
By Tom Evans
Yo… A lazy Sunday here at the Bridge and on ElCap. The weather has cooled off somewhat and we need for YOU to get your butt in gear and come on out to do that route you always wanted to send. Not a lot to report so I am going to post some shots from earlier this week before I started the report for this season. A real treat for you… part of my “Mr. Nice Guy” policy.
Today’s ElCap Report…written just for you…unique in all the world!
Zodiac: The three man crew who started the route a couple of days ago was heading to Peanut Ledge after a bivy in the Circle last night. They are doing well, even though they are wearing outfits that have an uncanny resemblance to something a certain… tall, slender, Old guide from JTree would wear! I see you up there Stevie G... you can climb but you can't hide! Off tomorrow.
1) Steve leading the Mark of Zorro this morning.
2) Climber jugging the MOZ this morning.
3) Steve leading the pitch to Peanut this afternoon.
The two guys who showed up yesterday at the start of the route blasted this morning. Who are they?
4) his is what a well dressed leader looks like on Zodiac’s third pitch!
Unfortunately this is the extent of the climbing visible from the Bridge today!! Scary isn’t it?
Piton Pete and partner Jon Fox have blasted off on ND to Genesis this morning for another big wall expedition.
Neil Chelton and a buddy are heading off to do the Albatross.
Below find some pics from this past week.
5) Nose: Paul and Bud, YOSAR boys, did a Dolt run today but this pic is from earlier as they rapped from Eagle Ledge earlier this week on a practice run.
6) Stoveleg crush as guides Aaron and Mark with their clients are finding things a little tight at the belay earlier this week.
7) British 3D team catches up with the guided team at the Great Roof.
8) Mash Alexander tends the bag and rope at the Glowering Spot as pard Justin Priesendorfer leads above.
9) Never Never Land: Peyton Hassinger jugging and cleaning late in the afternoon as Stanley tends the belay.
10) Stanley Hassinger waiting at the belay in the middle of nowhere on NNL.
11) Hauling kit up the fixed lines this afternoon. I hear they bailed from higher up due to the heat.
In other news: Very quiet here in the Valley. Curry is deserted these days… thanks to the mice over there. The Bridge was nice as several regulars hung out for some time. The Ben’s were down from Native Sun and basked in the glory as did Aaron Jones after his first trip up the Cap as a YMS guide. All in all a nice, relaxing day.
So that’s the way it is, for this Sunday the 16th day of September, 2012.
Until tomorrow…Tom Evans signing off.
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